Friday, May 6, 2016

A new hope to air pollution?

A new invention uses fluorescent lights to remove air pollution and stinky odours. It uses the Gas Phase Advanced Oxidation (GPAO) system was invented by Matthew Johnson. The system changes gaseous forms of pollution into a solid state using ozone and fluorescent lightbulbs. It functions as the free radicals form and attack the pollution, making it clump together like bits of dust. Once the gas pollution becomes dust, it’s just as easy to remove from the air as any other type of dust particle—with electrostatic charge. It not only make air cleaner, but it also works on unpleasant odours e.g. the toughest stinks associated with wastewater treatment. 

fluorescent, fluorescents, ozone, air purification, air quality, cleaning the air, removing air pollution, gpao, university of copenhagen, denmark, matthew johnson, odor removal, indoor pollution
Matthew Johnson, chemistry professor at the University of Copenhagen, has invented an air purification method using fluorescent lights.

I think it is a good invention in commercial buildings in dense and crowded area. As the office use a lot of fluorescent lights and the streets are always full of cars where the air quality is really bad on the street. But I got one question : Is the fluorescent light can only purify the indoor air but not the outdoor air? If the answer is yes, I think the effect of air purifying function is less than what I thought it would be as the indoor air pollutant are much lower than the outdoor air. Because before the outdoor air flow into the office , it already have filtrated. What we actually need is to improve the air quality on the street. I am also worried on the light pollution and the pollution created by the used fluorescent light bulbs. As the fluorescent light bulbs may contain toxic substance like mercury which is poisonous to human. Therefore ,if I have the give a sustainable rating to this invention out of 10 (10 is totally sustainable), I would give 3/10 as it's air purifying function is not applicable to outdoor air and the waste pollution created by the fluorescent light bulbs.

New invention uses fluorescent lights to remove air pollution and stinky odors. (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2016, from

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